Breaking News: Paramore to follow The super Stars Pop Singer Taylor Swift’s ‘re-recording’ tracks legacy…

Breaking News: Paramore to follow The super Stars Pop Singer Taylor Swift's 're-recording' tracks legacy...
Breaking News: Paramore to follow The super Stars Pop Singer Taylor Swift's 're-recording' tracks legacy...


PARAMORE is all set to brand their previous songs under Hayley’s publishing line, But Father, I Just Want To Sing Music.


Breaking News: Paramore to follow The super Stars Pop Singer Taylor Swift's 're-recording' tracks legacy...
The band’s been at odds with their management, leading to rerecording tracks under The US rockers’ own firm.

Hayley is all set to follow in her pal, Taylor’s footprints as a source states that “Taylor really supports them behind the scenes and is always willing to give them advice. She is their biggest cheerleader.”

According to a source, “All they want is ownership of their music.”

With another source confirming: “There’s likely to be more bands and artists who re-record their music in years to come to regain rights.”

This comes after Taylor’s quarrel with Scooter Braun for obtaining master recordings of her first six albums in 2019.

Swift has been working around the clock to rerecord all six collections to acquire ownership of her tracks.

Other Paramore hitmakers including; guitarist Taylor York and band’s drummer Zac Farro are said to all be on the same page.

Paramore marked their calendars for the Antihero hitmaker’s tour after allegedely pulling out of ALTer Ego Festival in California.