Exclusive : King Charles delivers only One Final condition To welcome Prince Harry and Meghan back into royal fold Especially to seal Harry and Meghan’s UK fate…

Exclusive : King Charles delivers only One Final condition To welcome Prince Harry and Meghan back into royal fold Especially to seal Harry and Meghan's UK fate...


King Charles will welcome Prince Harry and Meghan Markle back into the royal fold if they satisfy one condition, according to a leading commentator.


Exclusive : King Charles delivers only One Final condition To welcome Prince Harry and Meghan back into royal fold Especially to seal Harry and Meghan's UK fate...
Richard Eden has claimed that if the Royals can rehabilitate Sarah Ferguson, they can certainly welcome back the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The couple are no longer working royals and have been sniping at the Firm from across the pond.

Mr Eden wrote in MailOnline’s Palace Confidential newsletter: “The King’s embrace of the Duke and Duchess of York shows that there is a way back for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

“However, unlike Harry and Meghan, Andrew and Sarah have never attacked the Royal Family. Quite the opposite: they have always lavished praise on their relations.”

He added: “He demonstrated his capacity for forgiveness by inviting Sarah, Duchess of York, to join her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, and senior members of the Royal Family at church in Sandringham.

“The fact that Andrew was also with the working royals, for the second year running, shows that the King is determined to be a forgiving monarch. His brother was stripped of royal duties by their late mother, Queen Elizabeth, because of his deeply ill-advised friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

“The Duke of York is said to be particularly grateful for the King’s welcome to him and Sarah because he is ‘tormented’ by the forthcoming publication of court documents which are expected to link him to the late Epstein and reignite the sordid scandal.”