Views and opinions: Can’t You Resign so that the bold and brave prince can lead the country, and you can take on the role of mentor for him? Do you believe King Charles played a decent king role as a good fan?

Views and opinions: Can't You Resign so that the bold and brave prince can lead the country, and you can take on the role of mentor for him? Do you believe King Charles played a decent king role as a good fan?


The late Queen was the only monarch many Brits have ever known, having celebrated her Platinum Jubilee in June after reigning for 70 years.

Views and opinions: Can't You Resign so that the bold and brave prince can lead the country, and you can take on the role of mentor for him? Do you believe King Charles played a decent king role as a good fan?
According to a recent YouGov poll, 63 percent of Britons think Charles will do a good job as king, with only 15 percent thinking he will do a bad one.

But many believe the new monarch should follow the Queen’s example by keeping his views to himself and not meddling in any political issues.


Views and opinions: Can't You Resign so that the bold and brave prince can lead the country, and you can take on the role of mentor for him? Do you believe King Charles played a decent king role as a good fan?

King Charles III first addressed Parliament on Monday (September 12) and pledged to follow the example of ‘selfless’ duty set by his ‘beloved late mother’ in upholding “the precious principles of constitutional governance.”