Watch: Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle angrily blasted saying with a with a heart that full of pain and heartbroken. So many haters want my marriage with Prince Harry to be trashed and broken. If you are a fan of mine and you want my relationship to continue, let me hear you say a big YES!”…

Watch: Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle angrily blasted saying with a with a heart that full of pain and heartbroken. So many haters want my marriage with Prince Harry to be trashed and broken. If you are a fan of mine and you want my relationship to continue, let me hear you say a big YES!”…


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have thrown a royal temper tantrum over the critical press attention surrounding their deteriorating Netflix deal, a source claims.


Watch: Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle angrily blasted saying with a with a heart that full of pain and heartbroken. So many haters want my marriage with Prince Harry to be trashed and broken. If you are a fan of mine and you want my relationship to continue, let me hear you say a big YES!”…
The Sussex insider shared, “They had a huge party planned at their home, which they canceled just three days out.”

The source claimed that gazebos had been erected in the garden of their luxurious home but were taken down after Meghan allegedly threw a fit after reading press headlines.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were allegedly planning a grand Independence Day bash on their estate on July 4, but backed out when media attention analyzing their axed Spotify deal turned toward Netflix. The pair is currently in their third year of a five-year partnership with the streaming giant, which is said to be worth $100 million. To date, less than a handful of documentaries have been produced by the ex-working royals.


Watch: Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle angrily blasted saying with a with a heart that full of pain and heartbroken. So many haters want my marriage with Prince Harry to be trashed and broken. If you are a fan of mine and you want my relationship to continue, let me hear you say a big YES!”…
The overall deal, which was signed in 2020, called for nonfiction programs, films, children’s programming, and other creative ventures. The scrapping of Meghan’s animated series, Pearl, called into question her ability to create compelling content from original ideas for the platform.

The duo’s 2022 docuseries, Harry & Meghan, turned out to be a hit thanks to the spilling of royal secrets, but it is still not enough to satisfy a payout this big with another two years left in the deal. The Montecito twosome also failed to receive a much-hyped Emmy nomination for the series.